
The Gyrotonic®
Expansion System


The Gyrotonic Expansion System® is a unique, holistic approach to spiral movement.

This unique movement method addresses the entire human body as it opens energy pathways, stimulates the nervous system, increases range of motion, and improves strength and movement efficiency. 

There are profoundly studied and intently crafted sequences that create balance, efficiency, strength and flexibility through the practice.


Some of the benefits of a regular Gyrotonic® practice include

A healthier and more supple spine, increased range of motion, greater joint stability, improved agility and athletic performance and a deep internal strength with efficient movement. 

Experienced Gyrotonic® trainers offer personalized sessions that are adapted to fit the needs of all ages and abilities, from elderly patients recovering from injury to highly skilled professional athletes. 

Visit for more information, videos, and resources.



2 towers

1 jump & stretch board


1 leg extension

1 archway

2 baby dragon units


Intro Private

$80 USD

Gyrotonic® Private Packages

5 Pack: $370 USD
10 Pack: $720 USD

Gyrotonic duet® (semi private)

$60 USD per person

Classes are 60-75 min

Scheduling and payment

WhatsApp:  + 506 8875 -0527

Instagram: @bambuji_

We do accept cash at the studio, BCR transfer and PayPal is available.





Gyrokinesis® is the foundation of the Gyrotonic Expansion System®.

It addresses the entire body, opens energy pathways, stimulates the nervous system, increases range of motion, and creates functional strength through rhythmic, flowing movement sequences. 

Originally called Yoga for Dancers, this movement technique captured the attention of many dancers and skilled movement pros back in the late 70s and early 80s.

It has spread to over 80 countries with more than 10,000 certified teachers around the world and has also contributed greatly in the area of Physical Rehabilitation at clinics, hospitals and performance enhancement institutions.

It is an original and unique method that seeks to coordinate movement, breath and mental focus. 

The Gyrokinesis Method is practiced on a mat and chair, without the feedback and guidance of equipment.

Visit for more information, videos, and resources.



Gyrokinesis® stools and Mats


Intro Private

$80 USD

Gyrokinesis® group class

$30 per person

Gyrokinesis® group packages

5 Pack: $125

10 Pack: $200

Note: A private session is required for any clients prior to joining any group classes.
*Max. 7 students per class.
Classes are 60-75 min

Scheduling and payment

WhatsApp:  + 506 8875 -0527

Instagram: @bambuji_

We do accept cash at the studio, BCR transfer and PayPal is available.



Pilates classes


 Pilates is a form of exercise which concentrates on strengthening the body with an emphasis on core strength integrating principle movements like breath, mobility, stretching and integral strength on your whole body.

Pilates also focuses on the mind - body connection. While doing the various exercises your mind needs to be constantly aware of your breathing and mindful about how your body moves. This helps to improve general fitness and overall well being. Our Balanced Body Equipment is new and state of the art.

The inventor of Pilates was Joseph Pilates. As a child and young man, he had many medical problems - rheumatic fever, rickets, asthma, and as he matured he dedicated himself to getting his body healthy and in shape. He practiced a number of fitness regimens, martial arts, bodybuilding, gymnastics, boxing, yoga.

When World War 1 began, as German he had to enter a British enemy's citizens internment camp on English territory. During this time, while caring for injured soldiers, he started to develop ¨resistance¨ machines (using bed springs, bed overhead trapeze bars). He moved to NewYork city in the 1920´s and opened his first pilates studio but initially known as Contrology, later to become Pilates. The focus was core strength, alignment of the spine and awareness of breath.



Balanced Body Studio Reformer®

Balanced Body Exo® Chair ®

Balanced Body Trapeze Table (Cadillac)

Balanced Body Ladder Barrel®


private pilates

$80 USD

semiprivate pilates

$60 per person

Private Pilates Packages:

5 Pack: $370 USD
10 Pack: $720 USD

Classes are 60-75 min

Scheduling and payment

WhatsApp:  + 506 8875 -0527

Instagram: @bambuji_

We do accept cash at the studio, BCR transfer and PayPal is available.




Gyrotonic Pre Training Costa Rica.jpg

We offer Gyrotonic®, Gyrokinesis®, and pilates Trainings during the year. 

Contact us if you are interested in participating in one of our trainings.

If you’re a Gyrotonic® trainer and would like to host a training in Nosara please contact us as we’re always looking to host new trainings.





We welcome all kinds of ideas for retreats in our beautiful pristine jungle space. 

Either a day wholesome experience,  “a mini vacation to the Blue Zone”, or a fixed training schedule, we can definitely work it out. 

Our space is also open to any proposal that involves healing, holistic lifestyle and wellbeing.

Contact us with your idea at +506 8875 0527



Wellness Services


Hydrocolon therapy

Hydrocolon therapy is based on an ancient theory that the body can poison itself by retaining waste products. It is also known as colon cleansing, colonic irrigation or colonic; water is used to flush out the waste material from the large intestine. A healthy colon means regular bowel movements that are well formed, soft and easy to eliminate. This indicates that toxins and wastes are effectively being past out of your system. However for a last majority of people this is not the case; many people suffer from constipation and it affects their body, mind and spirit, and a feeling of total wellness cannot be achieved. 

The DOLOTO equipment cleanses the entire colon without chemicals or drugs of any kind. The colon is flushed with warm filtered water under low pressure. Specialized massage techniques to the abdominal area create a powerful release.

The possibility of attaining any degree of vibrant health is prevented if waste matter accumulates and is retained by the body. Colon health is the key to a vibrant life!


Breathwork is a term for various breathing practices in which the conscious control of breathing is said to influence a person's mental, emotional or physical state, with a claimed therapeutic effect. All of our modalities: Gyrotonic®, Gyrokinesis®, Pilates, Yoga,  encourage awareness of your breath. Deep inspiration allows for maximum oxygenation giving  full expansion of the lungs, as conscious exhalation gives great cleansing and releasing of more than your physical body tension, stress, fear, etc. 


A specific type of breathwork developed by the psychotherapist Leonard Orr. He believed that correct breathing can cure diseases, relieve pain and simulate the trauma of being born for transcendental healing.

Manual therapy with micro mobilizations at your cranial level and other parts of your body/spine that connects with your central nervous system through fascia release in order to help in the auto recovering of the body. This very specific treatment can be enhanced by being received in our mango jungle tree house. 

Craneosacral therapy


A branch of medical practice that emphasizes the treatment of medical disorders through the manipulation and massage of bones, joints and muscles.

An application of pressure to areas on the feet or hands that corresponds to organs and systems of the body. Pressure applied to the foot is believed to bring relaxation and healing to the corresponding area of the body. The therapy is offered by our osteopathic professional.



Our studio offers health, healing and love and one of those avenues is through yoga.
Our experienced teachers will customize the classes according to level of practice.
Classes are offered at different times during the week.
Contact us to know all the options on  the schedule for the community. 


Is a kind of Chinese tea Ceremony involving the ritual preparation and presentation of Tea. The term literally means making tea with skill. The Oolong tea is served in a beautiful jungle tree house. This can be a private experience with you and the tea master or share it with a group of friends.

The consciousness of the tea ceremony is profound.  

Tea Ceremony
(Oolong Tea)

Everything in the universe is information and energy vibrating at specific frequencies. Awaken to the reality of healing the body, mind and the soul with vibration. In our pristine Costarican jungle setting we offer "the power of sound”.  

Immerse yourself in this experience through our German made OETKEN Sun Gong, crystal bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, Grammy Award Winning wind chimes, ocean drum and more.

In this deep meditative state you can heal and support wellness. The sound healing is enhanced by the surrounding music of Mother Nature. Beyond here and now!

Sound Healing

The four basic massages strokes are: 

1. Effleurage: Relaxation and release of tension.

2. Petrissage: A kneading and a pulling the muscle away from the bone to release muscle spasms

 3. Tapotement: Gentle tapping or cupping of the skin with the hand to create percussion_like effect.

 4.Friction: Concentration of pressure onto a specific point.   


According to your needs and preference the masseuse taps into deep tissue, relaxation, andabyangham massage, and intuitive touch. Trigger points are her specialty.


The shamanic massage is a +3h session. A very nourishing experience offered in humility, love and service.

It consists in opening sacred space for you. The wellness practitioner offers herself as a channel for healing in a ceremony to your higher self.

It's a long detailed bodywork session with chanting prayers and limpia (Cleanse) in the Colombian tradition of her Chaman and teacher and also her personal medicine that she infuses.

A ceremony to your heart, mind, body and soul for you to connect deeply within your own temple and experience new levels self love and nourishment. Honoring an intention of healing or calling in something into your life through the power of your intention and raising your frequency through prayers, chanting, limpia with feathers and heart medicine.


Our green kitchen vegan facility offers nutritional advice, meal planning and catering. Our retreat facilities believe “we are what we eat” . 

This property features a greenhouse and a large garden built according to permaculture principles. Mother Nature has supplied us with a great bounty!

Plant-based menu
planning / catering